Monday, March 16, 2009

The Status of Angel Face Designs

I've been getting tons of emails from people asking what the status is of Angel Face Designs. Well, I'm not going out of business for those of you who have asked, but I don't have
the ability to make anything new just yet. I was hoping to start listing things and creating some new pieces a.s.a.p. but this is what my (new) work space currently looks like:

...sooo not pretty, and not conducive to creativity at all! My personal goal is to have the work space cleared off, and workable by the end of the month.

I went to a Gem Faire yesterday and got some fabulous new sterling silver charms and have a lot of ideas floating around in my head. I also got some charms that I used for exclusive pieces for the boutiques I was in over the holidays. The pieces I have in mind, and will be re-creating were sold out before I even had a chance to take a picture of them. I've been listening to those of you who said you don't love etsy, and don't like the idea of signing up for one more thing and would like me to have a seperate site where you don't have to sign up for anything - just pick what you want, and purchase. Well, I'm looking into that possibility and will let you know as soon as anything new happens.

With that said I miss my jewelry and hope to get back to it very, very soon! Thank you all so much for your patience and your kind emails!

: ) Heather

design + development by kelly christine studio