Sunday, August 15, 2010

World's Yummiest Sangria

This recipe is very similar to the Pioneer Woman's sangria, but with a few small differences that I think make it even yummier.  First you start off with lots and lots of fruit!!  (3 lemons, 2 limes, 2 oranges, 2 peaches, 3 apples and 1 whole pineapple to be exact.)  Chop it all up and throw it all in.
Then you add your liquids....I always go for the cheap wine, because honestly, it's going to soak with all of the yummy, fresh fruit and taste great no matter what.  I use one big jug of chilled sangria wine when I can find it, Merlot when I can't.  Then one regular bottle of chilled pinot grigio and 1 1/2 cups pineapple vodka - yum!  Yesterday I decided to add the juice from some maraschino cherries...double yum!

Chill for several hours, and serve.  Be careful, though - the added vodka makes this a powerful,but still very sweet drink and it will sneak up on you if you're not careful!!

*I made this yesterday for my mom's SURPRISE birthday fiesta - more details to come!*

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