Monday, January 31, 2011

Leila's Alice in Wonderland Party

I think it was about a week after Leila's third birthday party that she told me she wanted an Alice in Wonderland birthday party when she turned four.  Imagine my surprise when I asked her a few months ago what kind of birthday she wanted and she was still stuck on Alice!  So, my I started thinking.... I bought some cute graphics on Etsy and made my own invitaton:

I had a lot of fun making the party favors this year.  Each girl got an Alice in Wonderland bottle cap necklace, teacup charm bracelet, fabric-covered button ring and book.

When the big day came I was so excited to decorate! I rented small tables and chairs, and borrowed a bunch of mismatched teacups, teapots and other goodies from a family friend .  My friend Erin sent over some cute decorations (including the awesome "painting the roses red topiaries and bunting) that she used for a Mad Hatter wedding shower.  I made a bunch of "eat me" and "drink me" tags, and glued googly eyes to a bunch of fake flowers and scattered them all around.

Outdoor decor was fun too!  Paper sign from Kutekardz on Etsy, attached to a spray-painted yardstick:

I glue gunned cards to a Valentine's wreath, and we had a clock stopped at 11:00 (party time!) by the door.
 Lots of smiling flowers!

Food was kept simple.  "Tea sandwiches" (crust-less peanut butter and jelly cut with flower cookie cutters), three different kinds of goldfish, mac 'n cheese served in individual ramekins with mini forks, and good old pizza.

Each girl had their own tea cup and were served their choice of tea (lemonade, fruit punch or berry punch)

When the girls were just about done, there was a knock at the door....

....and it was Alice, herself!

She read the girls the Alice in Wonderland book.

And then helped the girls decorate sugar cookies and color Alice pages!

As if the girls weren't sugared-up enough from the cookies we had a variety of desserts for them to choose from, including cupcakes, pink meringues, "Eat Me" and teacup cookies.

This was the first year that we let Leila completely choose the guest list for her party.  She knew that she only wanted girls, but (and this is a direct quote) "Daddy can stay if he dresses up."  And being the fun daddy he is, he did! Tony found a green jacket and cummerbund from the goodwill and made a top hat out of cardboard and felt! Gianna was a little Queen of Hearts (dress by Lover Dovers Clothing)

And Leila, of course was Alice.

This party was a lot of fun to throw!

design + development by kelly christine studio