Monday, August 15, 2011

Random thoughts from a happy weekend

Hey Friends! I hope you all had a happy weekend - we sure did! On Friday night Leila had her first sleepover at my brother and sister-in-law's house.  Did I tell you they bought a house less than a mile away from us, and just got a puppy? YAY!!  Leila loved every single second of her sleepover, and even cried when we got there to pick her up. Haha!

Our tomato plants (all nine different varieties) are going crazy, and we needed something to do with them, so Tony and I made mushroom bolognese, but instead of canned tomatoes we used garden tomatoes and crushed them up.  It was amazing, but next time we make it we will probably double or even triple the garlic. I highly recommend it, though.

To use up some more of those tomatoes we also made pomme frites with homegrown ketchup. In a word: yum.  FYI, though - the ketchup makes a ton. I canned and froze three jelly jars, and kept one jelly jar in the fridge.  Another recipe I highly recommend!

This morning we took a long walk downtown and saw a poster for a children's play of Beauty and the Beast at our local theater. Tony got all excited and asked if he could take Leila on a daddy-daughter date to see it.  It was sweet to see his excitement, because he hates plays, especially musicals (where I, on the other hand can't get enough of them!)  They took off for a surprise date, and both loved every single second of it!

Don't forget that today is the last day to enter the Whisker Graphics giveaway! Winner will be announced tomorrow.

Tell me - what was your favorite part of the weekend? xo!


Nikki @ Saving For A Rainy Day said...

This reminds me of how much I LOVE when my husband Tim and I are working in the kitchen together.
The best meals are the ones we make together!!

I'm glad you had a great weekend!!

Donna said...

Yum! 8 kinds of tomatoes?! I am jealous. We live in a townhome and our patio doesn't get enough sun. I had a busier than usual weekend. Aurora's last swim class, HOA BBQ (we finally met more neighbors), pedicure and shopping for our trip to Disney World. I guess what I loved the most was that I am actually on vacation and Aurora is on vacation from preschool!

Jenni said...

how cute is daddy and daughter?!

my favorite part of the weekend was getting some ALONE time at the pool, soaking up the sun and enjoying a great book!

grey rose (they/them) said...

sweet photos! and that recipe looks amazing! xo

Tara said...

tony is seriously the best dad girl dad ever!


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